working harder for you and your auto ™


Q: How often should I rotate my tires?
A: The rule of thumb is every 6k miles or every other oil change. This is assuming you change your oil every 3k miles.

Q: How often should I change my oil?
A: With higher quality lubricants and tighter tolerances in later model engines, 3K to 5K mileage intervals are becoming the average. If your vehicle requires full synthetic you will be able to go longer. Check with us and we will keep you on track.

Q: Why doesn’t my registration match my inspection due date?
A: This change was made pre-2005 because of ongoing concerns of customers having to pay for multiple inspections in the same year. You have a 90 day window to inspect your vehicle, including its due date. You will receive the expiration on the last month that it’s due. Example: If your inspection due date is May, we can inspect your vehicle in March, April or May to receive a May expiration date. This is good for 1 year. When your registration comes up for renewal, it’s a good practice to look at your windshield to see when your inspection is actually due. If you want to match your inspection date with your registration, the inspection cannot be valid for less than 6 months or more than 12 months.

Q: How often should I clean or have my car detailed?
A: Frequently cleaned vehicles keep and hold their value longer. It’s a nicer appearance and more comfortable as well. Detailing in addition will add value to your vehicle as well as waxing and polishing the exterior. Interior cleaning and protecting is as important. Rubber moldings and seals are dressed with silicone or a protectant, seats are either Scotch Guarded if cloth or protected with creams if leather. You always remember your new car, how it felt and smelled. Keeping your car close to the way it was when you bought it helps with the resale value. Note: A garage kept vehicle adds 5 years to its life.

Q: How important is tire pressure?
A: Maintaining correct tire psi helps optimize tire performance, wear and fuel economy. Low tire psi can lead to failure, even by being under as little as 6 psi. Tire life and load capacity is also lessened with incorrect psi.

Q: What if my tires are under inflated?
A: A tires life is reduced as much as 25% by under inflation. It creates more heat from the sidewall internally and less rolling resistance. This can cause a loss of fuel mileage up to 5%. Check your car’s placard in the driver’s door jamb for proper “cold” pressure settings. 27 psi to 32 psi would be minimum, adding 5 to 8 psi for larger performance tires. A few extra pounds would be recommended for carrying extra cargo, hauling or trailering. Never exceed the maximum inflation noted on the tire sidewall.

Q: What if my tires are over inflated?
A: Over inflation of your tires can add to damage more easily over potholes and or road debris. You will also notice a harsher ride. However, you will also notice improved steering and cornering stability.

Q: How important are alignments?
A: Alignments are always recommended with a new tire purchase. What changes alignment specs from the factory is wear of the front end parts, pothole damage and new suspension parts being replaced. Drifting or the steering wheel being off center are signs that your alignment should be checked. Ride and handling will be improved which also helps with fuel mileage. It’s not unreasonable to have your alignment and front end checked once a year or after a bad winter.

Q: What affects fuel mileage?
A: No test can accurately predict fuel economy for different drivers and driving conditions. The following items hurt fuel mileage:
1. A check engine light
2. Dragging brakes or calipers
3. Transmission shift points
4. Driving habits
5. Tire psi too low
6. Fuel quality – “alcohol content” – 10% ethanol will lessen mileage 3 to 4%
7. Air Filter/Fuel Filter
8. Engine problems